Friday, July 1, 2011

Come Back?

Blogging is almost like a drug.  It is addictive  When you try to quit you get sudden urges to post again, especially when you think of something you really want to share with everyone.  Honestly, I had no intentions of returning to blogging, and I'm still iffy on the whole matter, but it can't hurt to have something up and running just in case I feel it's time to return to the blogosphere.

If you didn't know already, Economic Thought was hacked.  I don't think anything was permanently damaged.  I just decided to take the opportunity to quit blogging, hoping to focus on writing more articles (which I am producing at an dogged pace).  I closed the website and let my host know that I was not interested in renewing this summer.  I don't know if I will come to regret it, but I figure that it will let me return to blogging with a clean slate in the future, once I feel ready to have my own domain name and all that jazz.  Losing my early stuff will always be a pain, but I'll manage to survive.

By the way, I'm already hating this blogger interface and missing my nice, sleek Wordpress software.  But, again, I'll survive.

I don't have much to share, other than the fact that this may be my new blog spot.  Also, I recently procured Horwitz' Microfoundations and Macroeconomics and Liberty Fund's new edition of Kirzner's Market Theory and the Price System.  But, let's be honest with each other, it's not as if I've really been doing a lot of reading, other than what I need to read for the late-August Critical Review conference.


  1. :/ Great loss. I had plenty of older articles to read and you always brought nice, original perspective. You kind of directed my readings and provided me with essential pointers and starting points to my reflection. You'll be missed dearly. Please blog compulsively for the good of us :)

  2. P.-S. The last sentence was a reference to Rand.
